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Archives for October 2021

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Please join us for worship - Sunday, October 31 - "Masks of False Bravado"

Join us at either our 8:00 AM or 10:30 AM service, (which is also live streamed via Zoom, FaceBook and YouTube. The links can be found below: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 827 0347 6419 Passcode: 10681068 One tap mobile +13017158592,,82703476419# US (Washington...

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Friday, October 29 Devotional from Pastor John Hartman

"Taking Off Our Masks" I love the story of the man who went to the zoo to ask for a job.Unfortunately, the only thing they had available for him was a gorilla costume.The Zoo Director wanted him to dress up like one, because the zoo didn't have a gorilla.The man had no other options, wasn't really in a position to bargain, and so, he accepted the job.He took his job v...

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Please join us for worship, Sunday, October 24, 2021!

Services are held at 8:00 AM or 10:30 AM in the church sanctuary.Adult and youth Sunday School are held at 9:15 AM in the Family Life Center. Our 10:30 AM services are live streamed via Zoom, Facebook and YouTube. See links below., Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 827 0347 6419 Passcode: 1068...

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Trunk or Treat, Saturday, October 30, 2021 - 4:00 to 5:30 PM

Please join us in the parking lot of the Family Life Center for Trunk or Treat. There will also be hayrides, scavenger hunt and the opportunity to vote for your favorite trunk. Please come join the fun! ...

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Devotional, Friday, October 22, from Pastor John Hartman

"Gathered By God" Whenever I read the obituaries, which I now do more as I get older, I am always impressed with the long list of clubs and organizations that people belong to.And it seems the longer the list, the better.For example, one of the obituaries I remember reading said that the person who died belonged to Sam's Price Club.Flipping through my own wallet, I am a...

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Devotional Friday, October 15, 2021 from Pastor John Hartman

"Lay Your Foundation" Rodney Dangerfield, the guy who gets no respect, tells the joke,"I asked my old man if I could goice-skating on the lake.He told me, 'Wait till it gets warmer.'"While humorous, that would not be good for Rodney, nor any of us, -- because with a weak foundation, only bad things can happen that can hurt us, harm us, and have us fall through the crack...

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