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Archives for January 2021

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Join us for worship, Sunday, January 31 - 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM, or live streamed via Zoom, CLPC Face

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 979 8138 7219 Passcode: 1068 One tap mobile +16465588656,,97981387219# US (New York) +13017158592,,97981387219# US (Germantown) Meeting ID: 979 8138 7219 Find your local number: Join via YouTube or Facebook by linking to these sites ...

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January 29 - Devotional from Pastor John Hartman

From the Pastor "The Inescapability of God" A few years ago, I was at a Middle School Summer Retreat, and the theme for the week was,"Inside Out."The point was, we are known by God through and through, because God's love is high, long, deep, and wide.And when I think of the width of God's love, I can't help but think of Psalm 139.Psalm 139 begins with,"Oh Lord, you ...

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Job Opportunity - Community Closet Thrift Shop, Quarryville, PA

Community Closet Thrift Store Associate Manager The Community Closet Thrift Store in Quarryville, PA is seeking an Associate Manager. This position will be 13-15 hours/week and will include some evening and Saturday hours. Skills needed for this position include a knowledge of retail sales, good customer service, being able to problem solve and multi-task, the ability to ...

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"Restore His House" Update - January 26, 2021

"Restore His House" Update The restoration of our Sanctuary continues to transform into a beautiful house of worship. We marvel at God's faithfulness as we restore His house bringing new features and maintaining the beauty we have loved and shared throughout the year Thank Youbecause of your generous and prayerful support, we feel His presence throughout each detail as i...

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Message from Pastor John Hartman - Friday, January 22, 2021

"Digging for Love" Over the years, I have vacationed several times at the beach in the summer with my father.One thing you need to know about my dad.He likes to cover up at the beach.If he doesn't, he is going to be like a red lobster.Thankfully, I am blessed to have my late mother's Italian skin.I don't burn, I just brown.Not so with dad.And so, he makes sure that just...

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Let's Gather The Flock 2.0 - January 19, 6:30 P.M. via Zoom

Don't Miss It! Tuesday, January 19 - 6:30 P.M. Do you miss "seeing" and "being with" your church family? Join us for an informal time of fellowship, and just catching up after the holidays. It's an opportunity to "Gather the Flock" for some fellowship and fun! Zoom link is listed below! ...

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January 13 - 7:00 P.M. - Adult Bible Study - "Going Beyond the Sermon" - via Zoom

Tonight, January 13 - 7:00 P.M. Join Pastor John for this Adult Bible Study entitled, "Beyond The Sermon," in which we will be looking at the scripture that was part of the sermon from the previous Sunday. This week it will be from Revelation 4:1-11 and 5:11-14, with an emphasis on the theme of "worship." Join Zoom Meeting:

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Friday, January 8, 2021 - Devotional from Pastor John

Undoubtedly, everyone has seen on the news the events that unfolded in Washington DC this week. Regardless of your political affiliation, no one should be pleased of the disruptions that were caused in the operation and functionality of our government. This is not the way things are supposed to be.And depending upon which media outlet you choose to follow, some may be mini...

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Sunday, January 10 - Join us for worship - Dimensions #1 - "High and Lifted Up"

January 10 Join us at 8:00 or 10:30 A.M. in the Family Life Center. Adult Sunday School at 9:15 A.M. Masks are required inside the building. "How High?" Romans 12:1-2 / Colossians 3:22-4:6 Worship is our response to the majesty of God who is "high and lifted up." If we were to get in touch with a sense of awe, wonder and astonishment before God, what would that look li...

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Sunday, January 3, 2021 - Join us for Worship - New Year But The Same God - Rev. John Hartman

Remote Worship 10:00 A.M. live streamed via Zoom/Facebook/YouTube Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 979 8138 7219 Passcode: 1068 One tap mobile +16465588656,,97981387219# US (New York) +13017158592,,97981387219# US (Germantown) ...

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