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Archives for February 2021

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Invitation to Worship, Sunday, February 28, 2021

We invite you to join us for worship, Sunday, February 28, at either our in person 8:00 AM or 10:30 AM services. Our 10:0 AM service will also be live streamed through Zoom, CLPC FB and YouTube. Links provided below. Pastor John Hartman will continue his sermon series entitled, "Extreme Makeover - The Laundry Room". Join Zoom Meeting

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Friday, February 26 Devotional from Pastor John Hartman

"Dressed For Success" Two years ago, I decided to take the plunge and buy a tuxedo for my son's wedding.I figured with the weddings of two daughters coming down the road at some point, I might as well just buy a tuxedo instead of having to rent one several times over.I never know when I might be invited to a "black tie" reception.In the e-commerce world we live in today...

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Worship, Sunday February 21, 2021 - 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM

We invite you to join us for Worship on Sunday, February 21 at 8:00 AM or 10:30 AM. Both services will be held in the Family Life Center. Pastor John Hartman will continue his sermon series entitled, "Extreme Makeover: The Bathroom". Our 10:30 AM service is also live streamed via Zoom, Facebook and Youtube. The links can be found below. Join Zoom Meeting for Worship: ...

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Devotional from Pastor John Hartman for Friday, February 19th.

"Bridges" I have been thinking about bridges lately.As snow falls on the ground, I find myself driving more carefully on bridges and overpasses, because they are the ones that tend to freeze and become very slick.In the NFL, there is the phrase "bridge quarterback," which alludes to a team that has moved on from its previous quarterback because of injury, trade, or reti...

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Ash Wednesday Services - Today, February 17, 2021

Ash Wednesday services will be held February 17. We plan on holding two in-person worship services,one at 1:00 pm, and the second at 6:30 pm,both in the Family Life Center. The 6:30 pm service will be live streamed via Zoom. See link below. In place of actual ashes, we will provide an ash/cross sticker, that will be in your worship bulletin.We will also provide a devotiona...

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Gather The Flock 2.0 - Tuesday, February 9 - 6:30 PM - "Love Connection"

Gather the Flock - Don't Miss It! Tuesday, February 9 - 6:30 P.M. Do you miss "seeing" and "being with" your church family? In celebration of Valentine's Day join us for: "Love Connection" It's an opportunity to "Gather the Flock" for some fellowship and fun! Zoom link is listed below! Join Zoom Meeting:

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In Person Worship Cancelled for 10:30 AM February 7th,

Due to the snowy weather conditions, in person worship at 10:30 AM is cancelled for today, February 7. The Service will be live streamed via Zoom, CLPC Facebook and YouTube. Stay Safe! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 979 8138 7219 Passcode: 1068 One tap mobile ...

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