Join us Sundays at 8:00 & 10:30 am



In this series we explore the immeasurable love of God for us, in dimensions we try to fathom. Bring your heart to this discussion and open your mind to the possibilities God's Grace brings.

January 31, 2021

How Wide?

Speaker: Rev. John Hartman Series: Dimensions Topic: Default Scripture: Genesis 1:1–27, Psalm 19:1–14

January 24, 2021

How Deep

Speaker: Rev. John Hartman Series: Dimensions Topic: Default Scripture: Matthew 22:34–40, 1 Kings 3:3–12

January 17, 2021

How Long?

Speaker: Rev. John Hartman Series: Dimensions Topic: Default Scripture: Ephesians 3:14–19

January 10, 2021

High and Lifted Up

Speaker: Rev. John Hartman Series: Dimensions Topic: Default Scripture: Revelation 4:1–11, Revelation 5:11–14