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New Orleans Mission Trip - Day 4

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Today (Tuesday: the fourth day of our mission) was a wonderful day. The weather was very chilly - only 92 degrees and 60% humidity today. After showering at Planet Fitness and eating breakfast we kicked off our day the same as we did yesterday. Wacky hair day was today at Vacation Bible School so all the kids came in with crazy hair. These kids are not only creating a stronger relationship with our Chestnut Level kids, but also with God. After we finished our delicious lunch of Dominos pizza we split into three separate squads and did different missions for the next 3 hours. One stayed back and helped with the day camp that is help at Riverside Baptist church. The next squad did a lot of yard work for a couple in need. Both the husband and wife are completely blind but still own a large property and need assistence. The third squad went to the Boys and Girls club outside of downtown New Orleans in the run-down metro area. The kids at this club were anywhere from 4 to 14 years old. Most of them are growing up in poverty and with a lack of parenting so the Boys and Girls club “babysits” them so they aren’t on the streets. The issue with the club is that there are 50 kids and only a handfull of adult leaders, so that is where group three stepped in. We learned very quickly that Quarryville folk and inner-city New Orleans kids have a very different culture. One kid refused to tell Luke his name. When asked what his name was, he just respond with "nah". We couldn’t relate to this kids until we found out similar interest - basketball. Todd and Luke preceded to get destroyed by two 14 year olds in basketball: Juwan and Kyrie. Today was an overall productive day with more exciting missions to come.

Check out the video below for some more basketball fun!

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CheckChMission Trip day 4 f