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New Orleans Mission Trip - Day 6

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Today (Thursday, June 22, 2023) had a various amount of events. The morning started early around 7 when we had a very well made breakfast with pancakes, bacon, and fried potatoes. Praises to the cooks because the food helped us get through a very eventful day at VBS. Today was career day so all the kids came dressed up as what they wanted to be when they grew up. It was cute seeing all the doctors, vets, astronauts, and princesses running around all morning. Everyone had a great time learning about Jesus by praising him, dancing around and singing very loudly, and learning all about His resurrection today. After VBS, today happened to be our day off so we had the opportunity to go to an alligator sanctuary! It was really interesting learning facts about alligators from our amazing tour guide. All of us had a chance to hold baby alligators which might seem frightening but not to worry! Their mouths were taped close so no injured kids here! After that adventure we all went out to eat at the Chimes restaurant. It was a beautiful place and the food was absolutely delicious. After all of us ate we had the chance to walk on the trails where people can canoe and boat around the Bouge Falaya river. When we drove home the girls van (and Mark) decided we wanted to get sno-balls (which is like shaved ice with soft serve in the middle) I seriously recommend, it was really good! We ended our day with devotions and showering at Planet Fitness. Overall, all of us have been growing our faith in God by the immense time we have spent in His word. It’s been a real treat being surrounded by people who have experienced some really special things by God and it sure has changed our perspectives on things. As we have our last day tomorrow we’re all ready to end strongly.

Be sure and check out the two short videos at the end to see a visit to the alligator sanctuary, and a short clip of VBS.

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