New Orleans Mission Trip - Day 2
Sunday, June 18, 2023
The second day of our Youth Mission Trip was very busy. We woke up this morning and headed to Planet Fitness where we were all able to shower. We had breakfast and did a morning devotion, followed by a quick group meeting before heading to Sunday School. It was great to meet the youth pastor from the church we are staying at. After Sunday school, we went to the church service. It was great to meet members of the congregation who have been very welcoming to us! We then prepared lunch, which was tacos. Everyone is helping to prepare meals and cleaning up. Our afternoon was spent getting to explore the sanctuary of the church and getting everything organized for Vacation Bible School that begins tomorrow morning at 9am. We are learning to be flexible and just going with the flow! Some of us also fit in a quick nap this afternoon to try and catch up on some sleep! A Walmart trip was made to gather materials needed for the VBS crafts and games. We ended our night with dinner that was provided by members of the church and did a final rundown of the opening assembly for VBS and met with the Pastor. We feel ready and prepared and know we will just have to adapt to whatever we may be faced with! We ended our night with worship and devotions. We can’t wait to begin VBS and begin to build relationships with the kids we will be interacting with this week. Getting to build relationships this week is what it is all about. We know that God will be with us as we lead them and build our relationship with others and with Him this week.
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