My Journeys At The Level
As many of you know, judging by the letter I have sent out and how I have told others, at the end of the summer my tenure at Chestnut Level will be over. I don’t want to get all sappy and rehash things I have already said and written to you, but I did want to take a moment in my newsletter article to thank you all. You all have been so kind and gracious throughout my six years here. I can hardly believe that we have only known each other for that amount of time. The support you have given to the youth program and to me has been wonderful. I know all of the youth who have been through the program are incredibly thankful and I am as well. Thank you for taking me in and helping me grow into the person I am today. Chestnut Level will always have a special place in my heart!
So, as not to make this all about me leaving I feel like we should transfer then into the exciting news of the summer! This summer is going to be great! I am really looking forward to all of the breakfast clubs, bible studies, service events, mission trips, and other activities that are planned for this summer. It should be a wonderful last summer together, one I won’t soon forget. My thought has always been during the summer months to have a lot of things on the calendar so that someone can maybe do one thing a week with the group if they can’t do them all. This is not intended to stress parents out!!!! My hope for this summer is much the same! I really look forward to all of these things as I know this will be my last summer with you all. Again I don’t want to be sad, but positive!
I am thrilled about the two mission trips we are taking this summer. Both of the teams have been consistently meeting and are looking to get moving. Believe it or not but the senior high mission team is just about a month from leaving to head down to Nashville for a week! Oh how the time flies!
As I close I again want to thank everyone for all of their support over the last six years and more recently for the support for me and my WIFE Ashley as we are newly married! Your support has been critical to my/our growth and it will not be forgotten. My hope and prayer is that whoever comes into this position next may appreciate the work and support that you give to the staff as much as I have!
Thank you and rest assured that we will be continually praying for Chestnut Level as we head to Massachusetts! To God be the glory!
In Him,
Joe Garrison
“And he said to them all, If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.”
Luke 9:23-24
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