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Youth at Chestnut Level

Things have been moving fast here at Chestnut Level Church! It is already May! I cannot believe it! The Student Ministry has been going strong and has plans to continue to go strong! Let us take a quick look back at April and then let’s talk about May!

So April was an exciting month! The Jr. High had a lock in to kick off the month! It was a night of lots of food and lots of fun! (And little sleep!) The Sr. High got together to play a round of Mini Golf at Village Greens. And finally, the Youth Group’s Mission Trip Fundraiser was held! There was a performance from Peacemakers Crew, good food, and auction baskets! What more could you want?! God has truly blessed the Student Ministry here at CLPC and we cannot thank all of you enough for coming out and supporting the students of CLPC.

Looking ahead to May we got some pretty awesome stuff planned. On May 2nd the Sr. High girls are going to take a trip up to Lancaster for First Friday! That should be a fun time to walk around Lancaster, maybe do a little shopping, and get some delicious food to eat! Along with that there will be a kick-ball day held at Huffnagle Park and then pizza afterwards!

That is all that is planned for May as of right now! Looking forward to the month of May and all that it will bring! I pray God’s peace is upon you and your family. May His will be done.

God Bless,
Aaron Atkinson