“You Preach First”
In Acts 1:6, the disciples asked Jesus, “Lord are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” And Jesus answers, No! You will!” One pastor was just as blunt from the pulpit, when he said one Sunday morning, “You preach first! The first sermon preached each Sunday is not by me, but by you.” He said, “You preach a message of good cheer when you say, ‘Good morning!’ to those you meet as you are parking your car, or in the hallways and classrooms. You preach a message of ‘Welcome!’ when you slide over in the pew for a newcomer instead of forcing them to squeeze in front or behind you. You preach a message of hope and joy when you sing enthusiastically during worship. You preach a message of respect when you listen attentively to the prayers of the people and the special music. And, you preach a message of faith when you give your tithes and offerings.” He finished by saying, “All of these things take place before it’s even my turn.”
Friends, I know there are varied opinions and feelings on the whole pandemic situation. However, I also know that this is a church that has always demonstrated great unity, even amidst a diverse body of believers. As stakeholders at Chestnut Level Presbyterian Church, let us continue with a deep level of commitment to God, and an investment into the lives of one another.