Join us Sundays at 8:00 & 10:30 am

Upcoming Events August 24 through August 31, 2018

Upcoming Events

Friday, August 24 through Friday, August 31, 2018


Sunday, August 26, 2018 - 10:00 A.M. - Morning Worship Service

Family Life Center Multi Purpose Room

Nursery is available during the worship service.

There will be Children's Worship during the service.

Scripture Readings: Judges 16:1-9, Judges 16:10-21

Sermon: How Does Your Garden Grow? The Fruit of the Spirit - "Self Control"

Pastor John Hartman


Sunday, August 26, 2018 - 5:00 P.M. Y.A.L.L. (Young Adults Loving The Lord) meet at Dolce Vitae at the Buck

We will have pizza, hang out, and talk about Jesus. Please bring $3.00 to cover the cost of pizza. All young adults are welcome. Questions, contact Aaron Atkinson