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"Restore His House" Update - January 26, 2021

"Restore His House" Update

The restoration of our Sanctuary continues to transform into a beautiful house of worship.  We marvel at God’s faithfulness as we restore His house bringing new features and maintaining the beauty we have loved and shared throughout the year

Thank You…because of your generous and prayerful support, we feel His presence throughout each detail as it unfolds. 

We are thrilled with fund-raising events that have already taken place.  The creativity of the Deacons presenting a successful Bakeless Bake Sale, and Slate designs from our old roof have kicked off additional funds for our project. Thank you! 

We need your help! 18 different church groups have been contacted by Rob Powl, Bill Musser and Chuck Rogan spearheading fund-raising efforts.  We are hearing an exciting buzz about a new CLPC Cookbook, “Porches & Posies” garden/yard tour slated for mid-July, ideas for dinners, concerts and delightful craft items created from former Sanctuary pieces, plus more!!   We are trusting God as we move forward, for His faithful, guiding hand in all we do. 

Please contact Rob, Bill, Chuck or any of the Capital Campaign Committee with your ideas!

Joyfully serving,

Lauren & Brian Musser

for Capital Campaign Committee