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Monday, July 20, 2020 - Devotional from Pastor John

“Yes and No Faces”
One time, on a trip along the U.S. border, Thomas Jefferson and his traveling companions encountered a river that had overflowed during a thunderstorm. The storm was so severe that it had washed out the only bridge going across the river. Jefferson and his friends knew the only way to get to the other side was to ford the river on horseback. One by one they rode their horse into the swirling waters trying to get to the other side. One man, not a member of Jefferson’s group, was so afraid of the rapid waters, that he waited on the side of the river bank. He finally asked if Jefferson would ferry him across the river. The President said “Yes.” So he got on the back of Jefferson’s horse, wrapped his arms around Jefferson’s waist, and the two men rode the horse safely across to the other side of the river. 
Afterwards, one of Jefferson’s friends asked the man, “Why did you choose the President of all people to ferry you across the river? The man sheepishly confessed that he didn’t even know it was President Jefferson. He said, “All I did was look at the swirling water and then look at all your faces. On some of your foreheads was written the word, ‘no,’ and on some other foreheads was written the word, ‘yes.’ President Jefferson definitely had a ‘yes’ face.” 
I think I know what that traveler meant. Have you ever looked at someone and seen written on their forehead either the word “yes” or the word “no?” Do you know a “no” person? In bold black letters is stamped the word “N-O!” Their life is defeatism, negativism, and criticism. They say things like “We can’t do that. We can’t make it across the river. The water is too high, and the obstacles are too great. We can’t do it!” A “no” person will drain the life right out of you. By the time they are done with you, you feel like you have gone 10 rounds with the heavyweight champ. You will feel debilitated, depressed and discouraged. Oh, but to have a person in your life who is a “yes” person. A “yes” person’s life is characterized by contagious “joy.” Someone who has encouraged you, and helped you get across the swirling waters in your life. They believe in you, and believe you can make it across the swirling waters of life. 
All of us here are intended to have “Yes” faces. God put us on this earth to have “Yes” faces, because of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul reminds us of that in his words to the Philippian Church. He writes, “If you have any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from his love, any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose” (Philippians 2:1-2). In other words, be “yes” people. In Jesus Christ, we have a God who loves us, believes in us, forgives us, and wants to spend his life with us. And if that’s true, then how can we go into the world with anything but “yes” on our faces?” Do you want to be a “yes” person? I sure hope you do.