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May 8, 2020 - Join Pastor John for a Daily Devotional

“Honoring Mothers”  
Several years ago, I was in New Jersey for my grandmother’s 98th birthday party, and it was a Karaoke extravaganza, where my Dad brought his musical troupe to sing 27 – yes that’s right, 27 songs! And so there I sat marking on a napkin, “One down, 26 to go. Two down, 25 to go.” My Dad told me that I was going to have a role at the party, too. He said, “Just do something religious.” And so I said, “Like what? You mean, like take up an offering?” At one point, a little old lady came up to me and said, “Isn’t your father wonderful?” And I said, “Oh, he’s something else.” And then she said, “I bet you could get up there and do that, too.” I said, “Oh, I don’t think so. Thankfully, it tends to skip a generation.” But there I was, at the table closest to the front, listening to all 27 songs! Now I would like to think that I did the right thing in honoring my father, -- and my grandmother on her very special birthday. When it comes to our parents, the Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 6:4, “Honor your father and your mother.”
his Sunday is Mother’s Day. It is a day to honor mothers. We honor her with candy, flowers, and dinner. Given our circumstances, the best you may be able to do is honor her with a phone call or video chat. Even if your mother has died (like mine has), you can still honor her. I’m one of those people who likes to believe that God passes along notes to people in heaven. So, thank God for your mother. And if your mother was a godly woman, what better way to honor her memory than for you to re-dedicate your life to Jesus Christ, and to resolve to live for him even as she did. May God continue to strengthen the love you have for Jesus Christ, who is the author of love, and to whom belongs all honor and glory.  
Pastor John
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