May 7, 2020 - Join Pastor John for a Daily Devotional
“The National Day of Prayer”
After a lot of controversy, a nightclub was getting ready to open its doors for business on the main street of a small Pennsylvania town. The town’s only church called for an all-night prayer meeting. And at the prayer meeting, the church people prayed that God would burn that nightclub down. (It must have been a Baptist church). A few minutes later, there was a crack of thunder and a flash of lightning, -- and that nightclub caught fire and burned to the ground! The nightclub owner sued the church, -- which denied responsibility. After hearing both sides in the case the judge said, “Whoever is at fault, it seems that the nightclub owner believes in prayer, -- but the church doesn’t.”
Do you believe in prayer? Do you pray? For some of us, God seems so remote when we pray that we come to God like a computer hacker. We’re desperate to find that secret PIN # that will allow us to get into the holiest of bank accounts, -- which is the presence of God. Jesus said, “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” (John 14:13-14) The name of Jesus Christ is the code that brings to us the wonderful riches of God's grace.
Today is the National Day of Prayer. The National Day of Prayer is an annual day of observance held on the first Thursday of May, designated by the United States Congress, when people are asked “to turn to God in prayer and meditation.” The president is required by law to sign a proclamation each year, encouraging all Americans to pray on this day. There is plenty to be in prayer about these days. Please take some time today to come before the Lord in prayer. Don’t worry about getting the posture correct, or the words eloquent, -- just make sure your heart is in the right place. And then, just pray. Pray for the country. Pray for the church. Pray for people’s health and finances. Pray for your family and friends. It reminds me of the verse from that hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” “Oh what peace we often forfeit and needless pain we bear, because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer.” May God richly bless you as you carry your wants, your needs, and the desires of your heart to Him in prayer.
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