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May 5, 2020 - Join Pastor John for a Daily Devotional

“Good Spell”
Someone has described the five types of problems we battle in our lives. They are: Loneliness, despair, aimlessness, fear and emptiness. It doesn’t matter if we received our stimulus check from the government or not. Or, how tired we are of zoom video meetings. Or, how slow our internet is trying to do Google Classroom with our children. Or , how many deadlines we have to meet, -- we need the presence of Jesus Christ to help us in the midst of our struggles, and to then share him with those who are battling against those five types of problems. 
As the Church, we have the greatest message the world has ever heard. It’s interesting, the word “gospel,” comes from two Old English words – “good, and spell.” We are to go out and cast a “good-spell” on the world, -- which is the eternal love of God in Jesus Christ. Jesus lifted up the tear-streaked face of a Samaritan woman with five failed marriages, -- and gave her good news. He praised a groveling tax collector, and rebuked a God-fearing Pharisee. With his last dying breath, he pardoned a thief who had zero opportunity for spiritual growth, and told him, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” The one who knew no sin, became sin, and was a friend to sinners just like you and me. Our challenge at Chestnut Level is to have the courage and conviction to try and put this message into words and actions so that others can hear it and embrace it.
Also, as we are apart, we should still have the desire to grow together. Now, that may sound challenging, if not impossible, but spiritual growth is a major part of the Christian faith. The Acts 2 Church in Jerusalem had people coming to them in droves, like bugs to a floodlight. Ever wonder, what was the secret of that remarkable community of faith? You might be tempted to think that they had a glitzy, glamorous, state of the art church, with a world- class preacher. Believe it or not, what made them great was their desire to grow together. If we are to be a faithful church at CLPC, -- it will be through our spiritual and maturational growth. To grow in our love for God in Jesus Christ. To grow in our faith and knowledge of the scriptures. To grow in our love for each other, and for those outside the walls of this church. 
Finally, I know this COVID-19 stuff is getting really old, so let me challenge you to still have some Fun with a capital “F.” Someone once said, there are two kinds of Christians. There are those who wake up each morning, and say, “Good morning, Lord!” And then there are those who wake up and say, “Good Lord, morning!” Be sure to continue to praise God from whom all blessings flow, and then be sure to enjoy this time, even amidst the circumstances. Let’s live our lives of faith with joy, and not look like we were baptized in lemon juice. Let’s have fun in the adventure we have to live, love, and serve as the body of Christ at Chestnut Level Presbyterian Church.