May 4, 2020 - Join Pastor John for a Daily Devotional
“He Knows My Name”
There is a praise song that our wonderful Chestnut Level Praise Team sings that is titled, “He Knows My Name.” The chorus of the song goes, “He knows my name. He knows my every thought. He sees each tear that falls, and hears me when I call.” God is involved in every detail of our lives. God is with you when you check your e-mail. God is with you when you push the button on your tv remote control. He is involved in the vitamins you're taking. He is along side of you when you are walking outside to get a breath of fresh air. We don’t just meet God when we are in prayer or in worship via Zoom, but God is there for us in every piece of the jigsaw puzzle of our lives.
For example, when we wonder, “Where’s the money coming from for my next car payment?” “How can I be more patient when I help my child with their homework?” “What is the right gift to give as a birthday gift for my grandson this year?” Because God is involved in each of these little details of our lives, -- He knows my name! God isn’t just interested in my eternal salvation, He is interested in everything that moves my heart.
It’s interesting, Jesus says in Matthew’s gospel, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18). The problem is, we don’t like authority figures. We would rather go it alone. We think we know best, and surrendering our will to someone else is something that we resist. And yet, if someone were to break into your house and steal your belongings, what would you do? You know you would be on the phone right away calling the local authorities to report the crime. If your son or daughter came down with an illness, and were very sick, what would you do? You would want to take your child to the hospital to see the leading authority on that illness.
Friends, who else would you want at the helm charting the course for your life? Who better to answer your 911 call for help than the Lord? And God says, “I have all the power of the universe at my fingertips.” It is God who has adopted us as his children, who gives us our identity, and who tells us who we are. “He knows my name. He knows my every thought. He sees each tear that falls, and hears me when I call.”
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