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May 13, 2020 - Join Pastor John for a Daily Devotional

“Answer The Call” 
I love the story of when Dr. Tony Campolo, a well-known Christian author and speaker was at a mission rally and was asked to lead in prayer for a missionary doctor that the group supported. The missionary doctor needed $5,000 for the clinic he ran. Tony Campolo was asked to pray that somehow, someway, God would provide that urgently needed money. Well, Tony Campolo refused! He refused to pray! Can you imagine that? A Christian leader refusing to pray about a desperate need. But, Tony Campolo wouldn’t do it. He knew the people at that mission rally were people who were wealthy and successful. They had everything they needed, – and then some! And Tony Campolo thought it would be immoral to pray for what they already had!
And so, he declared he would pray only after everyone in that room gave to the clinic the money they had on them right then and there. The audience was stunned! They had never heard anything like that before! But, he was serious. And when he began emptying his own pockets, they realized how serious he was. After some hesitation, everyone started following Tony Campolo’s example. In just a few minutes, that prayer request became a prayer of thanksgiving. They ended up collecting $8,000 that evening! It was far more than what was needed. And that was just from what was in their pockets! Prayer answered!
When we pray and ask God in the Lord’s Prayer to give us our “daily bread,” we are freely admitting our complete and total dependence on God. That we can’t make it on our own, and that we need God to provide for all our needs. But, we are also admitting that God is concerned not only about our own personal needs, but that God is concerned about our neighbors needs as well. The Bible says, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” Philippians 2:4. In the midst of these unprecedented times, could it be that God just might be calling you to help answer those needs to the people around us? An attitude of “let someone else do it,” just won’t cut it. God is calling us as church to bear witness to the love and grace of Jesus Christ, and extend care and hospitality to the people around us. Let’s be sure to answer the call!