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May 25, 2020 - Join Pastor John for a Daily Devotional

“Being the Church”   
      Several years ago, there was a church conference that basically was trying to answer the question, “How does the Church reach the postmodern generation?” Now, space does not permit me to fully explain what “postmodernism” is. So, I will say it this way. There is an entire generation out there that is totally disillusioned with the Church. In fact, Americans claiming no religious affiliation are called, “Nones,” and make up almost 25% of the population in this country. 
      At this church conference, they showed videos of person-on-the-street interviews. The question asked was, “What do you think of Jesus?” The young people answered, “Awesome! Jesus taught people to love! Jesus was on the side of the poor and the oppressed. Go for it, Jesus!” Then interviewers asked another question, “What do you think of the Church?” And the answer came back, “Oh yuck! The Church is full of homophobic, intolerant, mean-spirited, narrow-minded people who try to cram their beliefs down other people’s throats!” Judging from what one young woman had seen of “born again Christians,” she said, “I don’t want to get ‘born again,’ that’s all!” In other words, members of today’s postmodern generation are afraid that becoming a Christian won’t make them better people. In fact, they believe it will make them worse people. As another young person added, “Christianity really messes you up!”
      Friends, it is to this culture that we are to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. It is to a world that has the church at arm’s length that we are to engage. It doesn’t mean leading a perfect life (as if I could), or having all the answers to Bible Trivia, or even knowing when this whole COVID-19 mess will end. It’s about living out our faith in word and deed. I am reminded of Nietzsche’s comment, “I would be tempted to believe in the Christians’ Redeemer if only the Christians looked a little more redeemed!” We need to more closely look at our lives and wonder, “Do I really look all that redeemed?” Jesus said, “I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Let’s be sure that we communicate an abundant joy of life in Jesus Christ, and the growth of our faith which comes through our being in community as church body with one another.