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From The Pastor

From the Pastor
In the book, “Leaping Over a Wall,” by Eugene Peterson, he describes David’s early life as his “rising years” and his later life as his “reigning years.” His rising years and his reigning years seem to have the same trajectory. Our younger years are like when we’re getting our education, jumping through hoops, and wannabes in our professions. We land our first job, ride around in a beat up old car, and live from paycheck to paycheck. And you just feel exhausted all the time. And then when you look at people who are older, you wonder, “Why do they look younger than I feel?” The answer is, — “they’re in their reigning years, while I’m in my rising years.” 
Sure enough, in our 50’s we may wake up relaxed, well rested, eat out, pay our bills and, oh my goodness, there’s still a little money left over. Wow! Isn’t that great! We’ve entered our reigning years – as we are now established and confident.” The difference between being 30 and being 50 is by saying when you’re 30, you walk into a room thinking, “I hope those people like me.” By the time you’re my age, you walk into a room thinking, “I hope I like those people.” 
Aging has its perks. Aging also has its quirks. This Sunday, we are looking at a growing, maturing King David, and we are going to look at one example to see how he handled his reigning years. Spoiler Alert: Not very well, especially with a woman named Bathsheba. So, please join us the Family Life Center at 10:00 am, as I continue my sermon series on David. 
Pastor John
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Quote of the Week
“The best people who have ever lived cannot overcome their own sin and flaws. But, if they cling to the grace of God to the end of their lives, they will triumph.” Tim Keller
Timothy J. Keller is an American pastor, theologian, and Christian apologist. He is the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, New York, and the author of several New York Times best selling books.