Join us sundays at 8:00 & 10:30 AM

Friday, September 25 - Devotional from Pastor John

“Industrial Strength Meekness”
How many of you have seen The Lord of the Rings movies, or read the trilogy? Well, according to author James Howell, the hobbits in J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings are an excellent example of what “meekness” is all about. Hobbits, he explains, are diminutive little creatures – Halflings, – who have no epic ambitions of their own. They are content to live peacefully in their little Shire. They are kind, generous and even-tempered. They think of others and give presents to other hobbits on their own birthdays. They’re unwavering in their friendship and supportive of one another, – probably owing to their small stature in that they have to depend on one another to survive. And perhaps, most importantly, they have absolutely no lust for power, like we the “Big People” do. All of this makes them the perfect cast of characters to embark on the great mission to destroy the evil Ring of Power.
After an incredibly exhausting journey, the great ring of power eventually lands in the hand of a humble, hairy-footed little hobbit named Frodo, and his friend, Sam. Only someone as humble as Frodo knows how dangerous this power is, and how carefully one must guard against being corrupted by it. The fate of all of Middle Earth hangs on this frail little hobbit. And staying true to Tolkien’s books, and like any great Hollywood movie, these meek, but tough as nails hobbits do just that. Despite all their inherent weaknesses, as well as all the obstacles they face along the way, they succeed in accomplishing the mission. You may be wondering, How? Why? I think it’s because they find a power greater than themselves at work through it all. 
Well, it is a similar kind of power that this virtue of “meekness” embodies. It means trusting not in our own strength, -- but in the strength of God! It is believing that the confident, pushy, aggressive, and the self-assertive may have their way now, but it is the ones relying on God’s grace through Jesus Christ who will accomplish their mission and inherit everything in the end.
This Sunday, September 27, we will be looking at the third of Jesus’ beatitudes in Matthew 5, -- “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” Please join us for worship either at 8:00 am (in person) or 10:30 am (in person, or via Zoom and Facebook Live).  
Pastor John
Quote of the Week
"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30