Join us sundays at 8:00 & 10:30 AM

Devotional from Pastor John Hartman, July 22, 2022

“Awesome God”
The author Lloyd Douglas lived in a boarding house when he was in college. On the first floor lived a retired music teacher, confined to a wheelchair, and unable to leave his apartment. Every morning, these two men had a ritual, Lloyd Douglas would come down the steps, open the man’s door and ask, “Well, what’s the good news?” The retired teacher would pick up his tuning fork, tap it on the side of his wheelchair, and say, “That’s middle C! It was middle C yesterday! It will be middle C tomorrow! It will be middle C a thousand years from now! The tenor upstairs sings flat, the piano across the hall is out of tune, but, my friend, that is middle C!”  
My friends, Jesus Christ is our tuning fork. And he rings out middle C in a world that is full of competing noises. And yet, while those other noises are flat and distorted, his pitch is perfect, and every other note is set in its proper place because of him. 
Listen to some of the notes he played for us. He was a friend of sinners. He was filled with compassion. He healed the multitudes. He prayed regularly. He suffered on a cross, bore our pain, sorrow, humiliation, and he died. He rose again so that we could sing, “Our God is an Awesome God. He reigns from heaven above, with wisdom power and love, our God is an Awesome God.” Whenever you are tempted to doubt the awesomeness of God and his love, go to Calvary, go to the cross, and you will find it all there. 
This Sunday, July 24, I will continue my sermon series titled, “Majoring in the Minors.” as we hear from the voices of the minor prophets of the Old Testament. This week, we will be looking at another of the lesser known of the 12 minor prophets, -- the prophet Zephaniah. So, please join us out on the lawn of the Family Life Center (FLC) at 8:00 am (weather permitting, otherwise inside the sanctuary) or at 10:30 am. For the 10:30 service, we will be inside the sanctuary, broadcasting on Zoom, Facebook Live, and YouTube.  
Pastor John
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